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Sign2Music is a fun and educational way to build communication skills in babies and children.

Our Award-winning classes, parties and training programmes introduce children, parents, carers and educators to an amazing way to enhance communication. We use music, signing, movement, sensory activities and more.

We facilitate: 


red hand for website   orangehand  yellowhand  greenhand   

lightgreenhand bluehand   indigohand  violethand

Our popular puppets, Signing Sandy and Daisy Doggy have a starring role in our classes and parties and are adored by the children! 

FAB FREE GIFT when you sign up to receive our newsletter! You will be sent a link allowing you access to our Baby Signing Online Starter Package. Through this collection of online modules full of audio and video clips you will gain information about the hows and whys of signing, basic starter signs and songs and signed nursery rhymes.